
unusual facts about First Things First

First Things First

"First Things First", a 1956 poem by W. H. Auden, which closes with the oft-quoted line "Thousands have lived without love, not one without water."

Priority Matrix

Quadrants-based task prioritization- The 2x2 time management matrix, detailed in Stephen Covey's book, First Things First, is the general framework on which Priority Matrix is run.

see also

Broderick Smith

Australian psychedelic and progressive rock band Tamam Shud were recording tracks for Albie Falzon's 1972 surf film Morning of the Earth including their song "First Things First".

Tamam Shud

The group was invited to contribute music for the soundtrack for the Alby Falzon surf movie Morning of the Earth and Falzon initially wanted Tamam Shud to provide all the music, but after G. Wayne Thomas took over as producer, other artists were added, and Tamam Shud's involvement was eventually reduced to just three tracks - the instrumental track "Bali Waters" (featuring Lockwood on flute), and the songs "Sea The Swells" and "First Things First".