
unusual facts about Flashback

8-Track Flashback

8-Track Flashback (also titled VH1's 8-Track Flashback) was a TV series hosted by David Cassidy, Leif Garrett, and Suzanne Somers.

A Jewish Girl in Shanghai

One flashback scene of the film, set in 1936, sees Rina and Michaili, in what appears to be an alpine setting in Europe, escaping being bombed by Nazi planes, despite the date preceding the aerial warfare of the Second World War.

All Over the Guy

The film is told mostly in flashback, with Eli recounting his side to Esther (Doris Roberts), an HIV clinic worker as he waits for test results and Tom to a guy he meets at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

Baby on board

The song was written by Homer Simpson in a flashback to 1985 when Marge bought a sign, hoping it would stop people from "intentionally ramming our car".

Broadway Danny Rose

His story is told in flashback, an anecdote shared amongst a group of comedians over lunch at New York's Carnegie Deli.

California State Route 36

On the TV show Lost, during a flashback scene in the episode "Further Instructions," John Locke picks up a hitchhiker who happens to be an undercover police officer on State Route 36.

Captain Triumph

Captain Triumph appears in flashback in a small cameo in one issue of Grant Morrison's Animal Man series, fighting the unsuccessful supervillain The Red Mask who describes him as possessing "the personality of a deck chair."

Chelsea Brummet

Besides All That, Brummet has guest starred on Gilmore Girls (in a flashback episode as a 16 year-old Lorelai Gilmore), What I Like About You (alongside All That alumnus Amanda Bynes), Drake & Josh, and The War at Home (alongside All That castmate Kyle Sullivan).

City on the Edge of Forever

In the final flashback, Cartman recalls identifying his father, but he remembers it incorrectly with his father being John Elway (it is revealed twelve seasons later that Cartman's father indeed was a Denver Bronco, but not John Elway).

Class of 1999 II: The Substitute

The movie is a sequel to Class of 1999, but does not contain many story links to that movie except inserted footage from "flashback"-sequences, and a vague reference to previous happenings in the plot.

Clean Skin

An event that he fails to mention is shown in a flashback, where Brody is being 'saved' from a beating by Abu Nazir (Navid Negahban), who comforts him and gives him food.

Covert War

In a final flashback to Rome in 1976, Elizabeth tells Zhukov that nothing has changed between her and Philip.

Daring Mystery Comics

A small handful of other Daring Mystery superheroes have been revived or have made guest appearances in modern-day titles, such as the World War II-set flashback series The Invaders and the feature "Liberty Legion" in Marvel Premiere.

Doc Frankenstein

Doc Frankenstein has since been involved in world history (flashbacks show him as a gunslinger in the Wild West, a soldier in World War II, a supporter of the teaching of evolution in 1925's Scopes Trial, and a supporter of Roe v. Wade in 1972).

Each Dawn I Die

Raft also very briefly "appeared" in Cagney's boxing drama Winner Take All (1932), in a flashback sequence culled from Raft's 1929 film debut Queen of the Night Clubs starring Texas Guinan.

Ezio Flagello

In addition to his operatic career, he had a small role in the flashback sequences in The Godfather Part II (1974) as an impresario threatened by Don Fanucci.

Flashback with the Grateful Dead

Flashback with the Grateful Dead is an album by the rock band the Grateful Dead.

French Provincial

The Flashback sequence of Pedret’s youth wings from Wuthering Heights and the flaming silhouettes of Gone with the Wind to The Conformist and The Spider's Stratagem.


In a flashback seen during the Forever Evil storyline, the H.I.V.E. were responsible for an act that turned S.T.A.R. Labs scientist Dr. Caitlin Snow into Killer Frost.

I Might Be Wrong

The introduction is used during a flashback sequence (introducing prisoner 97P528 Greg Penders, played by John Lurie) in Season 5 Episode 5 of HBO's TV prison drama Oz.

Jacob Reynolds

He also appeared in the 1994 feature The Road to Wellville, playing a young George Kellog in several flashback sequences (the adult George Kellog was played by Dana Carvey).

Java security

An OS X trojan referred to as Flashback exploited a vulnerability in Java, which had not been patched by Apple, although Oracle had already released a patch.

Jerry Jaxon

Diamond Lil, Smart Alec, and Wild Child had been part of Gamma Flight, and Flashback and Box part of Beta Flight.

John Schluter

Schulter is currently presents a weekly 'Flashback' report and is a fill in weather presenter on Seven News in Brisbane.

Kidnap and Ransom

There is a then a flashback to his travels two weeks earlier to Srinagar in Kashmir in India to negotiate the hostage release of a British family.


Weekend personalities include Jen Austin on mid-day plus programs such as "Flashback" with Bill St. James (based out Chicago, Illinois) on Saturdays and Sunday night shows "House of Blues" and "The Classics".

Martha, Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence

Through a series of flashbacks and flashforwards, we learn Laurence, a former bridge champion who now teaches the game to wealthy women, went to the airport to pick up Daniel but missed him because the flight landed early.

Mickey Matson and the Copperhead Conspiracy

Plot development includes flashback scenes to the Lincoln presidential era and the Civil War.

Per Manum

In another flashback, Scully tells Mulder that her attempt at in vitro fertilization has failed, but he simply tells her to keep trying.

Peralta massacre

The Peralta Massacre is depicted in a flashback in the 1949 film Lust for Gold, starring Glenn Ford and Ida Lupino.

Phil Leadbetter

In 1994, Phil received a Grammy Nomination for "Best Bluegrass Album" at the 37th Annual Grammy Awards for his work with J. D. Crowe and the New South on the album "Flashback".

Raffaele Andreassi

After Flashback Andreassi collaborated with the most important sections of the RAI.

Stylistic device

In Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner, the first short chapter occurs in the narrative's real time; most of the remainder of the book is a flashback.

Taken at the Flood

In a flashback from late Spring to early Spring, Lynn Marchmont, newly demobilised from the Women's Royal Naval Service, finds difficulty settling into the village life of Warmsley Vale.

The Crippled God

In a flashback in Memories of Ice, he was called down from an alien realm to destroy the High King Kallor by a group of mages; however, causing mass destruction leading to the death of the cadre of mages.

The Golden Globe

As the novel progresses, both in the present and in flashback, the character is more fully identified as Elwood P. Dowd and said to look very much like actor James Stewart, who played a character of the same name in Harvey.

The Interview

Almost the entire film takes place in a police interrogation room, with some short flashback sequences, and the cast consists primarily of three key actors—Hugo Weaving, Tony Martin, and Aaron Jeffery.

The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka

The flashback features authentic period music, however, as we can hear Time of the Season of The Zombies.

The Miracle of the Bells

The main flashback story then begins, showing how Olga is plucked from a chorus line in a nightclub to serve as a double for an extremely temperamental film actress who is to star as Joan of Arc in a motion picture.

The Monastery of Sendomir

The main part of the film is told in a flashback by a monk to two visiting noblemen on their way to Warsaw in the 17th century.

The Unholy Wife

The film is about a femme fatale named Phyllis (Diana Dors) who tells her sordid story from her prison cell in flashback.

Tour de stade

In "Man of Science, Man of Faith," the first episode of season two of Lost, Jack Shephard runs a tour de stade in a flashback where he meets Desmond Hume for the first time.

Two Years' Vacation

Deux ans de vacances is the first book Shiori Shiomiya reads from the shelves of the school library during a flashback to her childhood in the anime The World God Only Knows.

Went the Day Well?

The story is told in flashback by a villager, played by Mervyn Johns, as though to a person visiting after the war.

Willie Prall

In season 1, episode 15 of the TV show Prison Break, a Cubs pitcher named "William Prall" is shown in flashback, and referred to as the favorite player of the father of one of the characters.

see also