
unusual facts about Floyd Red Crow Westerman

Veblen, South Dakota

Sioux country singer and actor Floyd Red Crow Westerman is buried here at Saint Matthew's Catholic Cemetery.

Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee

The film follows a young Mary Crow Dog and her poor Lakota family living on the Rosebud Sioux reservation in South Dakota as she briefly learns the ways of her people and of the 1890 massacre at Wounded Knee told to her by her grandfather Fool Bull (played by Floyd Red Crow Westerman).

Maria Pearson

Primarily funded by the U.S. Forest Service and completed in 2005, the series was narrated by Floyd "Red Crow" Westerman and directed by Catherine Busch Johnston, winning numerous awards including two Telly Awards.

Tillamook Treasure

She seeks the wisdom and guidance of her grandfather (Max Gail) and his good friend, Standing Elk (Floyd Red Crow Westerman).

see also