Organized 22 July 1917 in the Regular Army at Fort Adams, Rhode Island, as the 7th Provisional Regiment, Coast Artillery Corps
MS 24 begins at Main Street in Fort Adams, Wilkinson County, heading northeast as a two-lane undivided road.
Fort Worth, Texas | John Adams | Fort Worth | Bryan Adams | Fort Wayne, Indiana | Douglas Adams | John Quincy Adams | Fort Sill | Fort Bliss | Fort Leavenworth | Fort Bragg | Fort Benning | Fort William | Fort Lauderdale, Florida | Ansel Adams | fort | Fort Smith, Arkansas | Fort Bragg (North Carolina) | Ryan Adams | Red Fort | Fort Sumter | Fort Lee, New Jersey | Fort Knox | Fort Wayne | Fort Monroe | Fort Drum | Adams | Fort Stockton, Texas | Fort Smith | Fort Sam Houston |
After ordination to the priesthood in 1891, he traveled to Fort Adams on the Yukon River in Alaska, arriving in August 1891.