
4 unusual facts about Fort Carson

Claudia Joy Holden

They have known each other for many years through Michael and Frank, who were both concurrently stationed at Fort Carson and Fort Bliss.

Daniel Zwerdling

In 2006 and 2007, he reported that officers at Fort Carson were punishing soldiers, returning from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan with post traumatic stress disorder and other serious mental health problems.

Sherman L. Fleek

Fleek received a bachelors degree in English from Brigham Young University in 1982, and a masters degree in history from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs while serving in the Army at Fort Carson.

Tony Curcillo

He was stationed at Fort Carson, where he played quarterback for the base football team in 1954 and 1955.

Brian Haig

He served as a platoon leader in Germany, three years as an infantry company commander at Fort Carson, Colorado, before he was selected as an intern at the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff where he worked in the Current Operations Directorate on the Lebanon peacekeeping operation.

Cheyenne Mountain Division

NORAD Rd provides access to the south portal road (diagonally toward left) and to a SH 115 interchange (not shown) on the west side of Fort Carson.

NORAD Tracks Santa

U.S. military units that have provided publicity for the program include the Northeast Air Defense Sector of the New York Air National Guard and the U.S. Naval Reserve Navy Information Bureau (NIB) 1118 at Fort Carson, Colorado.

see also