It is named for its principal co-sponsors, Senators Clifford P. Case (R-NJ) and Frank Church (D-ID).
The amendment was presented by Senators John Sherman Cooper and Frank Church and attached to a major bill, the Foreign Military Sales Act (HR 15628).
On August 7, 2013, a retired sheriff and three other horseback riders in the rugged back country encountered Hannah Anderson and her abductor, James DiMaggio.
While designation as a wilderness area in the United States generally requires the prohibition of any motorized machinery, the use of jetboats (On the Main Fork of the Salmon River) and several airstrips are permitted in this wilderness as grandfathered existing uses before the wilderness was designated.
Frank Sinatra | Church of England | Catholic Church | Frank Zappa | church | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Frank Lloyd Wright | Russian Orthodox Church | church (building) | Church of Scotland | Bishop (Catholic Church) | Christ Church, Oxford | Eastern Orthodox Church | Frank Capra | Church (building) | Seventh-day Adventist Church | Frank Gehry | L. Frank Baum | Anglican Church of Australia | Moravian Church | Church of Ireland | Serbian Orthodox Church | Church | Frank Stella | Frank | Evangelical Lutheran Church in America | Frank Herbert | Christ Church | Uniting Church in Australia | Church of Scientology |
Founded in 1983 by retired U.S. Senators Frank Church of Idaho (a Democrat) and Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania (a Republican), the Center for Responsive Politics aims to create a more educated voter, a more involved citizenry, and a more responsive government.
The subcommittee was best known in the 1970s as the committee of Sam Ervin, whose investigations and lobbying — together with Frank Church and the Church Commission — led to the founding of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.