
unusual facts about Frank Cousins

Les Huckfield

In 1967, at the age of 24, Huckfield was elected to parliament for the constituency of Nuneaton in a by-election following the resignation of Frank Cousins, becoming the youngest MP (the "Baby of the House").

Sir James Henderson-Stewart, 1st Baronet

In September 1957 Henderson-Stewart denounced Frank Cousins of the Transport and General Workers' Union as "just another demagogue playing for power" when Cousins declared his opposition to wage restraint.

see also

Milan Rai

Rai has been awarded the Frank Cousins Peace award from the Transport and General Workers' Union (shared, 1993), and the Peace Award of the Christian peace group Pax Christi (2007).

Minister of Technology

By the time of the 1966 general election, Wilson was telling Tony Benn to prepare to take over because "I can't think Frank Cousins will stay long. He's not fit anyway."