23 November - Frank Pick, English transport administrator and patron of art and design (died 1941)
In the 1930s Dupas was commissioned by Frank Pick to produce the artwork for a series of posters for the underground network of London Transport.
In 1914 his "Wonderground Map", commissioned by Frank Pick, and hung at every station, helped to save the London Underground by presenting an accurate map which also had a humorous side in cartoon style.
Frank Pick, Managing Director of the Underground Group from 1928 and the Chief Executive of the LPTB, planned to move the new London Underground away from goods services to concentrate solely on serving passengers.
Frank Pick, the Chief Executive of the London Passenger Transport Board, aimed to abandon freight operations on the London Underground network, and saw no way in which the more distant parts of the former Metropolitan Railway could ever become viable passenger routes.
Frank Sinatra | Frank Zappa | Frank Lloyd Wright | Frank Capra | Frank Gehry | L. Frank Baum | Frank Stella | Frank | Frank Herbert | Frank Wedekind | Anne Frank | Frank Loesser | Frank Langella | Frank Whittle | Frank Keating | Frank Lautenberg | Frank McCourt | Frank Vincent | Frank Evershed | Frank Bruno | Frank Thomas | Frank Rich | Frank Ocean | Frank Morgan | Frank Lampard | Frank Gifford | Barney Frank | Waldo Frank | Frank Urso | Frank Paschek |
Among those he recruited were future transport industry leaders Ralph Wedgewood, Eric Campbell Geddes and Frank Pick.