
unusual facts about Free University Berlin

Bocconi University School of Law

Themis is an academic network joining Bocconi University School of Law with ESADE, Free University Berlin and the University of Paris XII.


Fossil of these animals were discovered independently by Jianni Liu from the Northwest University (China) in Xi’an, Qiang Ou from the China University of Geosciences in Beijing and Michael Steiner of the Free University Berlin.

Günter Rexrodt

After the Abitur in 1960 in Arnstadt, Thuringia and an extra year in West Berlin, he graduated with a Diplom in business studies from the Free University Berlin where he also received his doctorate ("Dr. rer. pol") in 1971.

Harnack House

Located in the intellectual colony of Dahlem, seat for example of the Free University Berlin, it was founded by the Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft (KWG) on the initiative of its first president, the theologian Adolf von Harnack, and of its then chairman, Friedrich Glum.

see also

Christoph Wulf

In 1975 he became a full professor of pedagogy at the University of Siegen, and in 1980 he became a professor of anthropology and education in the Education and Psychology faculty of the Free University Berlin.