
unusual facts about Furio Scarpelli


David Bellini

He was also pupil of Furio Scarpelli and years later he participated in a course for screenwriters organized by Dino Audino and Rai Fiction held by some of the best Italian and American screenwriting coaches: John Truby, Dara Marks, Francesco Scardamaglia, Gino Ventriglia and Linda Seger.

Giacomo Scarpelli

Other scripts by Giacomo Scarpelli are: Tempo di uccidere (1989, Time to kill, directed by Giuliano Montaldo, with Nicolas Cage), Testimone a rischio (1997, An eyewithness account, directed by Pasquale Pozzessere), Opopomoz (2003, a cartoon directed by Enzo D’Alò) N. Io e Napoleone (2006, directed by Paolo Virzì), Christine Cristina (2009), the first film directed by Stefania Sandrelli and Tormenti (2011), from the graphic novel by his father Furio Scarpelli.

see also