Gaussian units | Gaussian measure | Gaussian function | Gaussian random field | Gaussian blur | Gaussian integer | Gaussian Elimination | Gaussian elimination |
Where is a Gaussian standard deviation minima of this functional lie on zero-crossings of
Adoption may have been hindered by the choice of Gaussian units, and later editions of volumes 1 and 2 were eventually published with the Gaussian system replaced by the SI.
GIMP implements a bilateral filter in its Filters-->Blur tools; and it is called Selective Gaussian Blur.
Part I of this was a companion paper that dealt with Hermite-Gaussian Expansion and has received little use compared with the Fourier Transform method which has now become a standard tool at United Technologies Corporation (SOQ), Lockheed Martin (LMWOC), SAIC (ACS), Boeing (OSSIM), tOSC, MZA (Wave Train), and OPCI.
The probability of finding a deviation at least as high in Gaussian simulations was found to be 1.85%.
A particular innovation was his Gaussian vault, a thin-shell structure for roofs in single-thickness brick, that derives its stiffness and strength from a double curvature catenary arch form that resists buckling failure.
Because of the multiplication-convolution property (Convolution theorem), the Fourier transform of a Gabor filter's impulse response is the convolution of the Fourier transform of the harmonic function and the Fourier transform of the Gaussian function.
The Gauss–Markov theorem in mathematical statistics (In this theorem, one does not assume the probability distributions are Gaussian.)
A Gaussian random field, a field of Gaussian-distributed random variables
In mathematics, the Gaussian isoperimetric inequality, proved by Boris Tsirelson and Vladimir Sudakov and independently by Christer Borell, states that among all sets of given Gaussian measure in the n-dimensional Euclidean space, half-spaces have the minimal Gaussian boundary measure.
In telecommunications and computer networking, communication channels can be affected by wideband Gaussian noise coming from many natural sources, such as the thermal vibrations of atoms in conductors (referred to as thermal noise or Johnson-Nyquist noise), shot noise, black body radiation from the earth and other warm objects, and from celestial sources such as the Sun.
Here, the partition function already has a closed form, so the inference, at least for the Gaussian graphical models is trivial.
In the mid nineteenth century, the Gauss–Bonnet theorem linked the Euler characteristic to the Gaussian curvature.
The molecular properties and the parameters of molecular interactions can be calculated using quantum-chemical software (Gaussian, GAMESS, Jaguar, ADF) and directly imported into Khimera in an automatic mode.
The class of Gaussian scale mixture distributions contains all symmetric stable distributions, Laplace distributions, logistic distributions, and exponential power distributions, etc.
Three features distinguish it from other quantum chemistry programs such as Gaussian and GAMESS: it is open source, has an object-oriented design, and is created from the beginning as a parallel processing program.
Normal distribution and the Gaussian law(s) relating to the bell curve
In fact, the above density coincides with the Husimi function of the particle, which is obtained from the Wigner function by smearing with a Gaussian.
Because an antenna's far field radiation pattern is a Fourier Transform of its aperture distribution, most antennas will generally have sidelobes, unless the aperture distribution is a Gaussian, or if the antenna is so small, as to have no sidelobes in the visible space.
A Gaussian integer is either the zero, one of the four units (± 1, ± i), a Gaussian prime or composite.
: (cgs-Gaussian)
: (cgs-Gaussian)
Kalman filter: an optimal recursive Bayesian filter for linear functions subjected to Gaussian noise.