Charlie Spivak | Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak | Gayatri | Spivak pronoun | Spivak | Michael Spivak | Lawrence E. Spivak | Gayatri Kachru |
The resulting book Transformations: Thinking Through Feminism (edited with Sara Ahmed, Celia Lury, Jane Kilby and Maureen McNeil) includes chapters by Lauren Berlant, Gayatri Spivak, Donna Haraway, Elspeth Probyn, Lisa Adkins and Vikki Bell.
Previous Distinguished Lecturers and conference participants have included Gayatri Spivak, Derek Gregory, Daniel Ellsberg, Eyal Weizman, Vandana Shiva, Nancy Fraser, Gar Alperowitz, Naomi Klein, and many others.
OHP's editorial board includes leading scholars and open access advocates such as Alain Badiou, Jonathan Culler, Stephen Greenblatt, Jean-Claude Guédon, J. Hillis Miller, Antonio Negri, Peter Suber and Gayatri Spivak among others.