
3 unusual facts about Gene Day

Gary Carlson

Gary self-published and created the black and white superhero anthology Megaton back in the early '80s, which introduced many new comic book talents including artists Erik Larsen, Rob Liefeld and Angel Medina (to name a few) as well as featuring the work of Butch Guice, Mike Gustovitch, Sam Grainger, Sam DeLaRosa and the late Gene Day.

Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo

In 2001, Dave Sim and his collaborator Gerhard founded the Howard E. Day Prize for outstanding achievement in self-publishing, in tribute to Sim's mentor, Gene Day.

The Quest for Cush

The novel is a collection of four short stories ("In Mwenni", "In Bana-Gui", "On the Bahari Mashiriki", and "In Kush") which were originally published in Dark Fantasy, a fanzine published by Canadian comic book artist Gene Day during the 1970s.

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