
unusual facts about Gilius van Bergeijk

Output Festival

On Sunday 10th of October 60 guitarists played a piece by composer Gilius van Bergeijk directed by Otto Tausk.

Ivana Kiš

Ivana finished her bachelor composition studies with Marko Ruzdjak (2002), and her master studies in the Royal Conservatory of The Hague with Louis Andriessen, Gilius van Bergeijk and Diderik Wagenaar (2006).

see also

Oscar van Dillen

After studies of medieval and Renaissance music with Paul Van Nevel in Leuven (Belgium), he studied classical composition with, among others, Dick Raaymakers and Gilius van Bergeijk at the Koninklijk Conservatory in The Hague in 1990/1991 and with Klaas de Vries, Peter-Jan Wagemans and René Uijlenhoet at the Rotterdam Conservatory from 1996 to 2002.