
unusual facts about Gillian M. Sorensen

Century Institute

Its faculty has included many late 20th Century progressivism, including Prof. William Julius Wilson, activist Todd Gitlin, academic Arthur Schlesinger Jr. and UN official Gillian Martin Sorensen and her husband, John F. Kennedy advisor and speechwriter Theodore C. Sorensen.

Charles E. Sorensen

In 1928 Sorensen joined Henry and Edsel Ford as the three US directors—out of seven—on the board of Ford's new re-organized independent European operations.

Sorensen (with others, notably Walter Flanders, Clarence Avery, and Ed Martin) is credited with developing the first automotive assembly line, having formulated the idea of moving a product (for cars, this would be in the form of the chassis) through multiple workstations.

David G. Sorensen

Over the years he has also frequently worked and exhibited in Mexico and is currently represented by Ramon Quiroga in Mexico City, Galeria Vertice and Haus der Kunst in Guadalajara.

Sorensen's international exposure includes exhibits in Mexico city 1964, Basel 1974, Milan and Paris in 1975 and traveling exhibits between 1991-93 in Tokyo, Manila and Hong Kong.

Juliet Sorensen

Sorensen is the daughter of Theodore C. Sorensen (Ted Sorensen), the former special counsel to President John F. Kennedy, and the author of Kennedy and Counselor: A Life at the Edge of History, and Gillian M. Sorensen of the United Nations Foundation.

Peter E. Martin

Henry Ford called Martin and Charles E. Sorensen into his office and told Martin and Sorensen to go out and run the plant (Piquette Plant).

Philip C. Sorensen

Sorensen was elected Lieutenant Governor in the 1964 election, defeating Republican Charles Thone (who later served in the U.S. Congress and as Governor).

see also