Gilmore Girls | The Beach Boys | Beastie Boys | Backstreet Boys | Pet Shop Boys | Spice Girls | The Golden Girls | The Bowery Boys | Indigo Girls | BSC Young Boys | Boys & Girls Clubs of America | Girls Aloud | The Boys | Jersey Boys | Boys' Life | Wonder Girls | Sun City Girls | St Paul's Girls' School | Girls' Generation | The Dead Boys | Mean Girls | Lost Boys of Sudan | Boys' Brigade | All-American Girls Professional Baseball League | The Lost Boys | the Beach Boys | Sport Boys | Newell's Old Boys | Geto Boys | Essex Boys |
The album was produced by Eric Drew Feldman (who was keyboard and bass player for Captain Beefheart in the late seventies and early eighties) and welcomes guests such as Scott McCloud from Girls Against Boys (on Fell Off the Floor, Man), Dana Colley from Morphine (on Supermarketsong) and Bart Maris from X-Legged Sally (on Nine Threads).
She also appeared in another four films: the romantic comedy Wifed Out; played a lead role in Girls Against Boys; had a small role in the comedy Nous York; and starred alongside Emily Blunt, Colin Firth and Anne Heche in Arthur Newman.
Your Choice Records - the 7 inches is a 2 x CD compilation album with rare material of Neurosis, Steel Pole Bath Tub, Party Diktator, Wasteland, Samiam, Plexus, Headroom, Overdose and Girls Against Boys.