Following a spin-off of the assets of Attel, Cerina rebuilt the business through Crédit des Alpes, now a successful investment bank advising on large international transactions, including being credited for putting together the US$4.2 billion acquisition by Vivendi of Brazil telecoms company Global Village Telecom (GVT) in 2009—one of the largest telecoms deals in the world.
village | Greenwich Village | The Village Voice | Global Positioning System | global warming | Global Television Network | Village People | East Village | East Village, Manhattan | Global | Westlake Village, California | Telecom New Zealand | Village | SK Telecom | West Village | Village development committee | Telecom Italia | Village Vanguard | The Great Global Warming Swindle | Manitoba Telecom Services | Global Voices | Global National | CNH Global | Caughnawaga Indian Village Site | Slum Village | Saudi Telecom Company | Olympic Village | Mars Global Surveyor | Hilton Hawaiian Village | Global News |
The company had an installed base of millions of lines in over 100 countries worldwide, including Germany (Deutsche Telekom), Turkey (Turk Telekom), Brazil (Brazil Telecom, Telefonica & Global Village Telecom), Chile (Telefonica), Mexico (Telmex), Costa Rica (ICE), Israel (Bezeq), South Africa (Telkom), Australia (Telstra), Russia (Uralsviazinform & North West Telecom), Serbia (Telekom Srbija, Telenor) and Kazakhstan (KazakhTelecom).