
unusual facts about Government of the United Kingdom

Chaudhry Muhammad Ali

In 1945, Ali joined the British government and became first Indian to have appointed as Finance adviser to Secretary of State for War Percy James Grigg.

Chris Roebuck

After leaving the Army Roebuck used his knowledge of leadership to develop performance improvement initiatives in organisations such as Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Bank of New York, Bank of England, and other financial institutions; Arts Council, legal firms and UK Government.

Day of Mourning

These groups had also sent petitions to the Government of Australia and the Government of the United Kingdom, in the early 1930s, for the recognition of Aboriginal civil rights (including Aboriginal representation in the Parliament of Australia), but they had been ignored or dismissed without serious attention, and each had refused to pass the petitions on to King George V.

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Vehicle and Operator Services Agency, a British government agency with equivalent enforcement powers to the FMCSA

IT Service Management Forum

The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) is part of the Efficiency and Reform Group of the Cabinet Office, a department of the Government of the United Kingdom.

Thorn EMI Liberator

The Thorn EMI Liberator was a laptop word processor, produced in the United Kingdom by Thorn EMI, primarily intended for use by UK Government civil servants.

Varyl Begg

In that role he vehemently opposed plans to introduce large new aircraft carriers and instead managed to persuade the Government to develop the design for three small "through-deck cruisers".

see also

Stationery Office

Office of Public Sector Information, an administrative office in the government of the United Kingdom