Governor | Lieutenant Governor | governor | Governor General of Canada | Governor-General | Governor of New York | Governor General | Governor of New South Wales | Governor of New Jersey | Governor of California | Governor of Virginia | Governor-General of Australia | Governor of Maryland | Governor of Oklahoma | Governor of Gibraltar | Governor-General of New Zealand | Governor of Minnesota | Governor-General of the Philippines | lieutenant governor | Governor of Massachusetts | Governor of South Australia | Governor-General of India | Governor of Texas | Governor of Michigan | Governor of Illinois | Governor of Victoria | Governor of Queensland | Governor of Indiana | Governor of Vermont | Governor of Tennessee |
:Bill was a nephew of Joseph Cowley, one of Sturt's 1845 expedition party; a grandmother, Rebecca Bevis, migrated to South Australia in 1838 on the same ship (Pestonjee Bomanjee) as Governor Gawler.
The name is said to have come from the 1840s, when Governor Gawler supposedly lost his compass near the site.