
unusual facts about Great War

Aleksander Kakowski

After the outbreak of the Great War he remained in Warsaw and in 1917 Kakowski was appointed to be a member of the Regency Council, a semi-independent and temporary highest authority of the Kingdom of Poland, recreated by the Central Powers as part of their Mitteleuropa plan.

Committee on Industry and Trade

The Committee on Industry and Trade, also known as the Balfour Report because it was chaired by the industrialist Arthur Balfour, was a committee set up to discover the reasons for the United Kingdom's economic decline since the Great War.

Eddie White

Edward Charles White (1884-19??) was an Australian rugby league footballer in formative years of the New South Wales Rugby Football League premiership and an Australian Imperial Forces officer who saw active service in the Great War.

Lochgelly Albert F.C.

The second theory, and probably the most respected, is that the club took its name from a town that was unlucky enough to be on the Somme front during the Great War of 1914-1918.

Mary Herring

In 1918 she had met Edmund Herring, then a young Australian captain in the British Army on leave from the Macedonian front of the Great War, and they were married on 6 April 1922 at Toorak Presbyterian Church.

Neville Knox

In the Great War Knox joined the Royal Army Ordnance Corps as a Lieutenant, being promoted to Captain in 1919 and ending his army career as a Major.

Rat Man

In a later footnote, Freud laments that although "the patient's mental health was restored to him by the analysis...like so many young men of value and promise, he perished in the Great War.

Sgt. MacKenzie

Joseph MacKenzie wrote the haunting lament after the death of his wife, Christine, and in memory of his great-grandfather, Charles Stuart MacKenzie, a sergeant in the Seaforth Highlanders, who along with hundreds of his brothers-in-arms from the Elgin-Rothes area in Moray, Scotland went to fight in the Great War.

Springhill House

Col. William Arbuthnot fought in both the Boer and Great Wars and his younger brother Lt. Col. John Staples Molesworth Lenox-Conyngham was killed during the taking of Guillemont in September 1916, leading the VI Battalion Connaught Rangers to the Front armed only with an ancient revolver.

SS Megantic

She remained on that route until the Great War, when she was briefly placed on White Star's Liverpool-New York City service until being called into service as a troopship in 1915.

The Great War: American Front

The Great War: American Front is the first alternate history novel in the Great War trilogy by Harry Turtledove.

The Great War: Walk in Hell

The Great war: Walk in Hell is the second book in the Great War series of alternate history books by Harry Turtledove.

see also

1918 Nebraska Cornhuskers football team

Amidst these unsteady times, the 1918 flu pandemic was gripping the world and taking many times more lives than the casualties of the great war in progress in Europe.

20th Hussars

The Great War: Mons, Retreat from Mons; Marne 1914; Aisne 1914; Messines 1914; Ypres 1914, 1915; Neuve Chapelle; St. Julien; Bellewaarde; Arras 1917; Scarpe 1917; Cambrai 1917, 1918; Somme 1918; St. Quentin; Lys; Hazebrouck; Amiens; Albert 1918; Bapaume 1918; Hindenburg Line; St. Quentin Canal; Beaurevoir; Sambre, France and Flanders 1914-18

American Expeditionary Forces

James J. Cooke, The Rainbow Division in the Great War, 1917–1919 Praeger Publishers, (1994)

Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land

The cult, headed by a mysterious figure called Docktor Kaul is using the stolen technology of Herbert West (the re-animator) combined with arcane mythos magic to build an undead army from the victims of the Great War as part of a larger plot to eliminate humanity from earth to clear it for a new hybrid species of part human, part Star Spawn of Cthulhu.

Elizabeth Baker

After the end of the Great War, she took off with her husband to the Pacific Ocean, living in Rarotonga in the Cook Islands for two years.

Frognal House

In 1974, a new Queen Mary's Hospital was built to replace the original Great War hospital, and since November 1999 Frognal House has been a residential and nursing home run by Sunrise Senior Living, their first location in the United Kingdom.

Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy

A play by David Gooderson about the Great War and its aftermath—the story of “Woodbine Willie” (Studdert Kennedy).

Glasgow Highlanders

The story of the Battalion in the Great War would later be dramatised in the 1995 Bill Bryden play, The Big Picnic, starring Jimmy Logan.


In the Second World War, Hillscheid was mostly spared any great war damage, although there was a rocket launching site near Hillscheid (Hillscheider Stock) from which many V-2 rockets were launched.

Jay Winter

Jay Winter was co-producer, co-writer and chief historian for the PBS series "The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century," which won an Emmy Award, a Peabody Award and a Producers Guild of America Award for best television documentary in 1997.

Johnston McCulley

The Crimson Clown is Delton Prouse, a wealthy young bachelor, able veteran of The Great War, explorer, and all around adventurer who functions as a modern Robin Hood, stealing from the unjustly rich and returning money to helpless victims or worthy organizations.

Life Class

David Boyd Haycock's A Crisis of Brilliance: Five Young British Artists and the Great War (Old Street Publishing, 2009) presents the remarkable "true story" that lies behind Barker's novel.

Lyall Howard

In the book, The Great War, author Les Carlyon details the experiences of Lyall Howard on the front line, captured by the handwritten notes in Lyall's war diary.

Mary Hannay Foott

Foott's younger son was killed in action at Passchendaele in September 1917, and she was survived by her other son, Brigadier-General Cecil Henry Foott, C.B., C.M.G., who was born on 16 January 1876, educated as an engineer, and serving with distinction through the great war was six times mentioned in dispatches.

Medal for civilian prisoners, deportees and hostages of the 1914-1918 Great War

The Medal for civilian prisoners, deportees and hostages of the 1914-1918 Great War was awarded to the inhabitants of all the regions invaded by the enemy, including those from the Upper-Rhine, Lower-Rhine and Moselle regions, deported civilian prisoners, brought as hostages or interned in concentration camps.

Murray Hammick

(1890-1968), engineering degree Camb, Major in 6th Bn Manchester Regt in Great War, Chief Engineer Iraqi Petroleum Company, Petroleum Warfare Department in Second War, co-inventor of HAMEL PLUTO D-Day pipeline system, Lance Corporal Home Guard.

Nochiya Region

The Bradost Clan are not part of the Kurdish Bradosti Tribe, if they were they would have remained with their Kurdish Chief in Lolan, instead of fleeing north to Urmia via Nochiya to join their temporal and religious leaders the Matran Family in 1915 at the outset of the Great War.

Percy Hull

He was in Germany at the outbreak of the Great War and interned as a civil prisoner of war at Ruhleben.

Piltown Cross ambush

Returned Great War veteran John Riordan helped plan the engagement involving a feint attack on the RIC barracks in Ardmore.

Post Office Rifles

There is no formal memorial to the Rifles in France, but many of the fallen from the Great War have their names recorded on memorials such as the Menin Gate at Ypres and Sir Edward Lutyens' memorial to the missing at Thiepval.

Regent Street

The work was delayed by the Great War and it was not until 1927 that the completion was celebrated, with King George V and Queen Mary driving in state along its length.

Sir Albert Ball

Alderman Sir Albert Ball JP (1863–1946) was Mayor of Nottingham and Lord Mayor of Nottingham, and the father of the famous Great War air ace Captain Albert Ball, V.C., D.S.O.**, M.C.

St Andrew's Garrison Church, Aldershot

"This church was built to the glory of God in thankful remembrance of the soldiers of the Church of Scotland and kindred churches throughout the empire who laid down their lives in the Great War 1914 - 1918."


The Stirling Observer dated 25 August 1921 reported the unveiling of "a monument erected in memory of those ..25 men of Strathblane... who fell in the Great War" by the Duke of Montrose and Sir Archibald Edmonstone, whose family seat was Duntreath Castle by Blanefield.


Tarkasena was made a demon after his defeat in a great war between him and Lord Kumara Swamy (Subramania Swamy), the son of Lord Shiva and Parvathi and the son-in-law of Indra, who was invaded by Tarakasura over an insult meted out to him.

Ten Giant Warriors

Much is written of the great war of 205 BC to 161 BC between Sinhala King Dutugemunu and a South Indian Tamil invader Elara for the City of Anuradhapura, and the central role played by Dutugemunu’s Ten Giant Warriors (දසමහා යෝධයෝ) or the great warriors (dasa maha yodhayo in sinhalese) – the dasa maha yodha.

Ten Year Rule

The Ten Year Rule was a British government guideline, first adopted in August 1919, that the armed forces should draft their estimates "on the assumption that the British Empire would not be engaged in any great war during the next ten years".

The Great War in England in 1897

The Great War in England in 1897 was written by William Le Queux and published in 1894.

The Great War of 1892

The Great War of 1892 was a story of the genre termed "Invasion Literature" written by Admiral Philip Howard Colomb in which he sought to alert Britain to what he saw as the weakness of the Royal Navy.