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Details of games with PAC and SPSC have been found in the Prince Alfred College Chronicle and the St Peter's College School Magazine, and are certain to be contained in other school magazines.
It was described by German journalist Karl Brugger, based on interviews with a self-proclaimed Brazilian Indian chieftain Tatunca Nara in his book The Chronicle of Akakor (1976).
Early translations and adaptations of Geoffrey's Historia, such as Wace's Norman French Roman de Brut, Layamon's Middle English Brut, were named after Brutus, and the word "Brut" came to mean a chronicle of British history.
Highlights of the chronicle also include the reign of Edgar, the treatment of Jews in England at the time of the Norman Conquest, the Purgatory of St. Patrick, the reign of Henry III and the first elephant in England in 1255.
The penultimate entry of the H119 chronicle is for 1295, probably the date of its initial completion, since all entries up to that point are written in a thirteenth-century Gothic script.
Boswell recorded that; “Dr Johnson was much pleased with his entertainment here. There were many good books in the house: Hector Boethius in Latin; Cave's Lives of the Fathers; Baker's Chronicle; Jeremy Collier's Church History; Dr Johnson's small Dictionary; Craufurd's Officers of State, and several more…”
In 1880, Dodd left Washington D.C. and moved to Oakland, California where he began writing for major San Francisco papers including the San Francisco Examiner, Chronicle and the Evening Post.
The earliest and most notable of these was the Chronicle of Erik, written around 1330, focusing on the life of Duke Erik Magnusson.
Eugenio Lopez, Sr., original owner of the Manila Chronicle and founder of Chronicle Broadcasting Network, see DWWX-TV
According to the "Chronicle of Andechs" (Donauwörth, 1877, p. 69), Henry, the last count, received the relics from Pope Honorius III and brought them to the Abbey of Andechs.
He was a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle's Sunday magazine and a Contributing Writer for the Los Angeles Times Sunday magazine, and a commentator for KQED-FM's "The California Report." His writing is widely anthologized.
Dell' Unione del Reyno de Portogallo alia Corona di Castiglia (Genoa, 1585), was a chronicle of the Portuguese succession crisis of 1580, and a work that provoked a number of replies, in particular from Jerónimo de Mendonça; it was considered pro-Spanish, but Philip II of Spain tried to have it suppressed.
According to the Chronicle of Kartli, part of the Georgian Chronicles, Gurandukht was married to Smbat, brother of Kyurik II, an Armenian king of Lori.
Helen Fielding is an English novelist and screenwriter, best known as the creator of the fictional character Bridget Jones, a sequence of novels and films that chronicle the life of a thirtysomething singleton in London as she tries to make sense of life and love.
B. G. Horniman (1873–1948), British journalist, editor of the Bombay Chronicle, supporter of Indian independence
In one of TISM's many references to Australian Football League football, the liner notes, which chronicle the rise, fall and disbanding of TISM, and the band members individual exploits around the world, were credited to E.J. Whitten, argued by some to be the greatest AFL player of all time; a picture of Whitten appeared on the cover of the EP Gentlemen, Start Your Egos (1991).
The game was pre-announced in the Hampshire Chronicle on Monday 18 May as "Hambledon Club v Hambledon Parish with Noah Mann".
The Parish Chapter I - The Beadle. The Parish Engine. The Schoolmaster in Sketches by Boz (Monthly Chronicle, 1836)
Chapter XVII - The Last Cab-Driver, and the First Omnibus Cad in Sketches by Boz (Monthly Chronicle, 1836)
The album was meant to be a portrait of jazz in cinema history, a way to chronicle the evolution of jazz score from the late 1940s to present day, and features highly influential themes from classics like Anatomy of a Murder, Taxi Driver and seminal noir The Man With the Golden Arm.
As well as a history of the war, Justus also wrote a chronicle of the kings of Israel from the time of Moses to Agrippa II, which Photios remarked failed to make any mention of Jesus Christ.
There is a detailed description of this production and of behind-the-scenes incidents surrounding it in Davi Napoleon's chronicle of the Chelsea in Chelsea on the Edge: The Adventures of an American Theater (1991).
The original airstaff included Sara Trexler, former KNNC (Austin's original commercial alternative radio outlet) personality Rachel Marisay, LA Lloyd Hocutt, Butthole Surfer Gibby Haynes, KNNC ex Ray Seggern, Austin Chronicle critic and Z-Rock Austin personality Andy Langer, and more.
There are three manuscripts of Lamprecht's poem extant, one from Vorau which is not quite complete, one from Strasburg dating from 1187, which is about five times as extensive as the preceding, and lastly a version interpolated in the manuscript of a Basle chronicle.
Lambert collected his material from such sources as Isidore's Etymologiae, the Historia Brittonum, and the crusade chronicle of Bartolf of Nangis.
The founding of the church is mentioned in a medieval chronicle by Hermann von Wartberge.
The director's idea was to use the plot as a chronicle of the transition, the period during which Spain moved from Francisco Franco's dictatorship, after his death, until the first free election that put the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party in power.
The line up in 2010 included Billy Painter (Who is also chief Editor of The Painter's Chronicle) as The Fool, Dario Coates as St George, Sam Harris as Bold Slasher, Jack Deighton as The Doctor, Rowan Carter as The black prince of Paradine, Jacob Jones as The king Of Egypt, Joe Cotton as Hector, Desmond as Toss Pott.
Langtoft's Chronicle was the source of the second part of Robert Mannyng's Middle English Chronicle, completed around 1338.
Lovat Dickson (1975): Radclyffe Hall and the Well of Loneliness: A Sapphic Chronicle (HarperCollins)
Rogerius of Apulia (also Rogerios; Ruggero di Puglia in Italian) (c. 1205 – 1266) was a medieval Roman Catholic monk and chronicler, born in Torremaggiore, Apulia.
His newspaper columns remain the most detailed and incisive chronicle of the history of the Red River of the North and its environs.
His film debut was in 1970 in a TV film "Chronik der laufenden Ereignisse" ("Chronicle of Current Events") by Peter Handke.
It was written in the Royal Chronicle as follow that : "In front of Wat Mahathat, Sanam Luang lies between the Royal Palace and the Front Palace. When royal cremation was held at the Phra Men Ground, the pyre set up in the centre with the Royal Palace Pavilion to the south and the one of the Prince of the Front Palace to the north. The music from the Royal Palace and from the Palace to the Front would be played on opposite sides of Sanam Luang".
While Parlamocchi places the rebellion of Seniorectus and the attempted garrisoning of Montecassino in 1134, this hypothesis is refuted by the presence of Joscelin in the chronicle of Peter the Deacon: Joscelin being appointed chamberlain only in October 1135.
до наших дней (Chronicle of the City of Irkutsk from 1652 to present day) by P.Pezhemsky, Краткая летопись Енисейского и Туруханского края Енисейской губернии (A Brief Chronicle of the Yenisey and Turukhansk Krais of the Yenisey Guberniya) (1594–1893) by A.I.Kytmanov.
Like the Eliezer bar Nathan Chronicle and the Mainz Anonymous, it is concerned with the persecutions of Jewish communities in the Rhineland area, notably Speyer, Worms, Mainz and Trier, during the First Crusade (1095-1099).
According to Cosmas’s chronicle, Saint Adalbert of Prague in 994 offered his episcopal see to Strachkvas, explaining that Strachkvas came from the Přemyslids, and it would be easy for him to bend people to his will; but Strachkvas refused the episcopacy.
The biographical notices, the author avers, are condensed from the Onomatologion or Pinax of Hesychius of Miletus; other sources include the excerpts of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, the chronicle of Georgius Monachus, the biographies of Diogenes Laertius and the works of Athenaeus and Philostratus.
The word Vans means genealogy and Bhaskar means the sun, hence Vans Bhaskar is intended to be a chronicle of the Hada Chauhan dynasty, who claimed to originate from the sun.
According to Sheng-Wu-Chi's Ming dynasty chronicle ("Our dynasty is informed by military realizations"), in this land the Tungus Weji, Warka and Kurka tribes were established.
The History of a Town is a fictional chronicle by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin first published in 1870 and regarded as the major satirical Russian novel of the 19th century.
It is a semi-fictional chronicle of the lengthy 1938 "retirement game" of Go by the respected master Honinbo Shūsai, against the up-and-coming player Minoru Kitani (although the latter's name is changed to Otaké in the book).
This treatment is especially apparent when Keene writes of Matsuo Bashō's travel diaries, such as The Narrow Road to the North, or provides a window into an author's life, such as in the case of Fujiwara no Teika's Meigetsuki ("Chronicle of the Clear Moon").
A reference to the aristocratic plot against Demetrius on behalf of Vakhtang is found in the contemporaneous Armenian chronicle by Vardan although the author does not directly names the rebellious prince.
Valerius Anshelm (1475 – 1546/1547), born as Valerius Rüd (or Ryd), was a Swiss chronicler working in Bern.
From television he is particularly remembered from hit series Landsbyen (The Village, 1991–1996, alongside Danish superstars Peter Schrøder and Niels Skousen), Rejseholdet (Unit One, with Lars Bom) and most recently as director Kaj Holger Nielsen in Krøniken (The Chronicle, 2003–2006).
Walter's name is attached to the Brut Tysilio, a variant of the Welsh chronicle Brut y Brenhinedd.
When the anonymous, unpublished chronicle was rediscovered in the 19th century, historians were not sure about the identity of the author (most of the chronicle is written in the third person, while at some times the writer slips into the first person).