Mississippi River | River Thames | Amazon River | Columbia River | Green Day | Hudson River | Green Party | Colorado River | Potomac River | river | Ohio River | Green Bay Packers | Missouri River | Delaware River | Murray River | River Tyne | Madeira River | Green Bay, Wisconsin | Volga River | River Nene | River Clyde | River Trent | River Severn | Amur River | River Wear | Allegheny River | Red River | Dnieper River | Yarra River | Green |
The Rock Springs Uplift is an area of uplifted Cretaceous to Eocene rocks in Wyoming surrounded and once covered by sediments of the Green River Formation which were deposited in the Eocene Lake Gosiute.
The fossil was recovered by Gus and Christine Halandras of Meeker, Colorado from outcrops of the Green River Formations Parachute Member exposing sediments of Lake Unitah, Rio Blanco County, Colorado, USA.