formation | Command (military formation) | Elliot Formation | Lance Formation | Crato Formation | Chinle Formation | Two Medicine Formation | Tamayama Formation | Missing Man Formation (band) | Missing Man Formation | Marcellus Formation | Kirkwood Formation | Gettysburg Formation | Clarens Formation | Whitby Mudstone Formation | Tunbridge Wells Sand Formation | Santana Formation | Phalanx formation | phalanx formation | Mahantango Formation | Leduc Formation | Identity formation | Hanson Formation | Formation (stratigraphy) | formation (stratigraphy) | Formation | Centre International de Formation Européenne | Bakken formation | Yixian Formation | Vectis Formation |
C. w. woollgari has been found with Mammites depressus at the top of the lower shale tongue and lowermost overlying Tres Hermanos sandstone member of the Mancos Shale in New Mexico, in a shale bed at the top of the Greenhorn Formation in Colorado, and alone in sandstone and shale in the upper Frontier Formation in Wyoming.