Gustav Bauer, former Chancellor (1919–1920), is buried on the cemetery of the Protestant church of Glienicke.
Curry won the 105 pounds championship by defeating Gustav Bauer representing the National Turn Verein club in the final in 17 seconds.
Gustav Mahler | Gustav Klimt | Gustav Holst | Gustav III of Sweden | Gustav I of Sweden | Gustav Meyrink | Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle | Eddie Bauer | Gustav Stresemann | Harold Bauer | Gustav Noske | Gustav III | Gustav, Hereditary Prince of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg | Gustav Fischer | André Bauer | Steven Bauer | Hurricane Gustav | Gustav Nossal | Gustav Meier | Gustav Hertzberg | Gustav Albrecht, 5th Prince of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg | Gary Bauer | Steve Bauer | Johann Gustav Droysen | Heinrich Gustav Magnus | Gustav Stickley | Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach | Gustav Horn, Count of Pori | Gustav Fröhlich | Gustav Fechner |