
2 unusual facts about Hajo Meyer

The Electronic Intifada

EI co-founder MP Arjan El-Fassed, who also wrote for the website Al-Awda, told major Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant that the fuss created by NGO Monitor was related to one quote from an interview with the Jewish Holocaust survivor and anti-Zionist Hajo Meyer in June 2009.

United Jewish People's Order

In 2011, the United Jewish Appeal and Canadian Jewish Congress severed their relations with UJPO's Winchevsky Centre in Toronto after the organization hosted and co-sponsored an event featuring Auschwitz survivor Hajo Meyer, a member of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN).

Een Ander Joods Geluid

A book was published in 2003, called Een ander Joods geluid - Kritische opvattingen over Israƫl (A different Jewish voice - Critical opinions on Israel), written by numerous prominent Jewish Dutch, including Hedy d'Ancona, Milo Anstadt, Dieuwertje Blok, Hajo Meyer and Harry de Winter.

see also