
unusual facts about Hard currency

Hard money

Hard currency, globally traded currency that can serve as a reliable and stable store of value

George Cohon

It accepted only Russian rubles, not hard currency, and in the early days, the line to enter the restaurant could be several hours long.

House of Eric

Descent from this house was regarded as such hard currency in medieval and early modern power games that some aspirants (most notably Charles VIII of Sweden) even fabricated a descent (see Tofta) to show that they too were heirs of the House of Erik.


These were a chain of special shops that offered high quality East German goods (that were otherwise difficult to obtain without joining a long waiting list) at reasonable prices and otherwise unobtainable Western consumer goods (usually at near Duty free price levels) – they were accessible only to foreign tourists with hard currency and East German citizens with Forum checks.

see also


For example, hard currency stores were named Kashtan (Chestnut) in the Ukrainian SSR and Chinara (Oriental plane) in the Azerbaijan SSR, etc.

Postage stamps and postal history of North Korea

After 1974, in a bid to bring more hard currency into the country, North Korea began issuing stamps with wide-ranging themes (such as Joan of Arc, airships, sports and wildlife) and using English descriptions.


In order to overcome this obvious disincentive to compliance with the internal foreign exchange rate regime, the State Bank allowed hard currency to be exchanged for Forum checks – a form of internal currency that (crucially) could be spent at an Intershop.