Ethnoecology began with some of the early works of Harold Conklin, a cognitive anthropologist who did extensive linguistic and ethnoecological research in Southeast Asia.
However, the oldest account being set forth by the locals was through the work of Harold Conklin's Ethnographic Atlas of Ifugao (1980) where it states that the total land area of the barangay is 1,450 hectares.
Harold Pinter | Harold Wilson | Harold Macmillan | Harold Bloom | Harold Godwinson | Harold Lloyd | Harold Stassen | Harold Prince | J. Harold Ellens | Harold Holt | Sir Harold Hillier Gardens | Harold Washington | Harold Hitz Burton | Harold Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis | Harold Peto | Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle | Harold Arlen | Harold | Harold Budd | Harold Eugene Edgerton | Harold Bauer | Harold von Schmidt | Harold Robbins | Harold Laski | Harold Gould | Harold Gillies | Harold Bradley | Harold Alexander | Harold Acton | Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter |