Harry Camsell K-3 School is a school located in Hay River, Northwest Territories, Canada providing public education from kindergarten to grade 3.
Princess Alexandra School is a school located in Hay River, Northwest Territories, Canada providing public education for students in grades 4 through 7.
Mississippi River | River Thames | Amazon River | Columbia River | Hudson River | Colorado River | Potomac River | river | Ohio River | Missouri River | Delaware River | Murray River | River Tyne | Madeira River | Volga River | River Nene | River Clyde | River Trent | River Severn | Amur River | River Wear | Allegheny River | Red River | Dnieper River | Yarra River | ParanĂ¡ River | River Tees | Fraser River | Yangtze River | Tocantins River |
Although not accessible by road there is an airport, Lutselk'e Airport, with scheduled services from Yellowknife and an annual sealift is provided by Northern Transportation Company Limited from Hay River in the summer.
Specifically, it is responsible for schools in the communities of Fort Resolution, Fort Smith, K'atl'odeche First Nation, Hay River, and Lutselk'e.
The Andegerebinha language, also known as Andigibinha and Antekerrepinhe, is an aboriginal language of the Northwest Territory of Australia spoken around the Hay River, Pituri Creek area according to Ethnologue.