
unusual facts about Helsinki School of Economics

Aalto University Sports Club

The club was the sports club of the Helsinki University of Technology, but as of 29 March 2010, the name has been Aalto-yliopiston urheiluseura, reflecting the merger of the Helsinki University of Technology, the Helsinki School of Economics, and the University of Art and Design Helsinki into what is now the Aalto University.

Ari Puheloinen

After the statutory service period, he entered the military officer-training institution Kadettikoulu, although he had been admitted to both Helsinki School of Economics and University of Tampere.

Gabriel R. G. Benito

Benito has held visiting positions at Copenhagen Business School, University of Melbourne, and University of Valencia, and taught inter alia at Helsinki School of Economics (now Aalto University), Technical University of Lisbon (ISEG), University of Oslo, and University of Valencia.

see also