
unusual facts about Henry Brooks Adams

Adams National Historical Park

Adams National Historical Park, formerly Adams National Historic Site, in Quincy, Massachusetts, preserves the home of Presidents of the United States John Adams and John Quincy Adams, of U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, Charles Francis Adams, and of the writers and historians Henry Adams and Brooks Adams.


Lines within the poems are connected to the works of a wide range of writers, including A. C. Benson, Lancelot Andrews, and Henry Adams's The Education of Henry Adams.

John Bach McMaster

He is best known for his History of the People of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War (1883 sqq.), a valuable supplement to the more purely political writings of James Schouler, Von Holst and Henry Adams.

The History of the United States of America 1801 – 1817

The History of the United States of America 1801 – 1817, also known as The History of the United States During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, is a nine volume history written by American intellectual Henry Adams.

see also