
unusual facts about Henry Morgenthau Jr.

Bretton Woods Conference

This resulted in a fight between, on one side, several European nations, the American and the Norwegian delegation, led by Henry Morgenthau and Harry Dexter White; and on the other side, the British delegation, headed by John Maynard Keynes and Chase Bank representative Dean Acheson, who tried to veto the dissolution of the bank.

Society for the Prevention of World War III

The conference was held in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York and was attended by 185 prominent individuals such as Albert Einstein, Henry Morgenthau Jr., Eugene V. Rostow, Helen Gahagan Douglas.

see also

John Leo Blair

Several letters and notes exist in company archives, including a letter from Franklin D. Roosevelt, a few from Henry Morgenthau, Jr., and others from Charles Merrill of Merrill & Lynch, Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson (one of Blair's very close friends) and others to support this entry.