
3 unusual facts about Henry Rzepa

Blue Obelisk

Among those who received a Blue Obelisk Award are Christoph Steinbeck (2006), Geoff Hutchinson (2006), Bob Hanson (2006), Egon Willighagen (2007), Jean-Claude Bradley (2007), Ola Spjuth (2007), Noel O'Boyle (2010), Rajarshi Guha (2010), Cameron Neylon (2010), Alex Wade (2010), Nina Jeliazkova (2010), Henry Rzepa (2011), Dan Zaharevitz (2011), and Marcus Hanwell (2011).

Chemical Markup Language

It has been developed over more than a decade by Murray-Rust, Rzepa and others and has been tested in many areas and on a variety of machines.

Möbius aromaticity

It was pointed out by Henry Rzepa that the conversion of intermediate 5 to 6 can proceed by either a Hückel or a Möbius transition state.

Peter Murray-Rust

With Henry Rzepa he has extended this to chemistry through the development of markup languages, especially Chemical Markup Language.

see also