
2 unusual facts about Henry Wotton

Boughton Malherbe

Boughton Place, a 16th-century manor house, was home to Sir Henry Wotton and other members of the Wotton family and was later owned by the Earls of Chesterfield and the Earls Cornwallis.

Fulgenzio Micanzio

In 1609-1610 he was involved in discussions with Henry Wotton, Sarpi and Johann Baptist Lenk, acting in Venice for Christian of Anhalt.

William Bedell

In 1607 he was appointed chaplain to Sir Henry Wotton, then English ambassador at Venice, where he remained for four years, acquiring a great reputation as a scholar, theologian, printer, and Missionary to the faithfull leaving under Roman Catholic tyranny of the Inquisition.

see also

The Paradoxes of Mr. Pond

Mr Pond, Sir Henry Wotton, Captain Gahagan and his new wife Joan are discussing the treatment of Jews in Germany, and Pond recalls an incident in the last war when a Jew who had adopted a German name was suspected of being a spy.