
unusual facts about Hierarchy

A Supplement to the Journey to the West

The story of Qin's torture in hell is so well known that the Daoist Eastern Peak Temple, which is famous for its statuary representations of the celestial hierarchy, has a small hall dedicated to Yue Fei in which a likeness of the former Prime Minister is being led off to the underworld by a demon.

Address space

Some nested domains hierarchy appears in the case of directed ordered tree as for the Domain Name System or a directory structure; this similar to hierarchical design of postal addresses.


In the Catholic hierarchy, Alconaba belongs to the Diocese of Osma-Soria, which is part of the Archdiocese of Burgos.

Ann Caroline Sherry

She rose through the corporate hierarchy of the bank to become the Chief Executive Officer of the Bank of Melbourne (a subsidiary of Westpac) from 2000 to 2002.

Clinical Care Classification System

Indexed to the MEDCIN ® terminology through a contextual hierarchy to the full array of medical terminology standards and concepts with intelligent prompting (IP).

Congregation of Mother of Carmel

In May 1887, the Holy See established the Syro-Malabar Church in India as independent of the hierarchy of the Latin Rite.

Cosmos Rossellius

In contrast heaven is depicted as the throne of Christ, surrounded by a celestial hierarchy of Apostles, Patriarchs, Prophets, Martyrs, Confessors, virgins, Holy Hebrews and an enormous array of saints.


The Acme:: hierarchy is reserved for joke modules; for instance, Acme::Don't adds a don't function that doesn't run the code given to it (to complement the do built-in, which does).


As foreign missionaries and businessmen gained the right to hold property in China from the "unequal treaties", the local headmen could be caught between them and their superiors in the Chinese hierarchy, for instance during the construction of the Woosung Road.

Edward Young Clarke

Edward Young Clarke was an advertising executive from Louisiana and the Imperial Wizard pro tempore of the Ku Klux Klan who devised the "kluxing" system of payments to the hierarchy within the Klan.

Ernesto Geisel

Having the aforesaid activities been stopped, Geisel and his Chief of Staff, Minister Golbery do Couto e Silva devised a plan of gradual, slow democratization that would succeed, in spite of all attempts and threats of the opposition offered by radical sectors of the military hierarchy and some terrorist movements the leftists would still try against the government.

Evan Stephens

In his book Same-Sex Dynamics Among Nineteenth Century Americans, published in 1996, historian D. Michael Quinn expresses his view that Stephens had homosexual relationships and that these were tolerated by the LDS Church hierarchy.

Federated Colored Catholics

Receiving a lukewarm reception from the Catholic hierarchy, Turner began communicating with the Apostolic Delegation on a number of issues, including the absence of African-American clergy, discriminatory practices of the Josephites and Catholic Universities, and the need for greater African-American representation on the boards of various Catholic welfare organizations.

Federico Lombardi

He became a Jesuit priest in 1972, and then worked for the influential Jesuit-run magazine, La Civiltà Cattolica, and served as superior of the Jesuits' Italian province.

Francesco Satolli

Satolli came to the United States in 1889, was present at the centenary of the hierarchy celebrated in Baltimore and delivered an address at the inauguration of The Catholic University of America in November.

Herr Kleiser

In the second film, Kleiser under orders of the Chitauri hierarchy, invades Wakanda to reclaim their Vibranium shipment shot down in the '40s. Kleiser was then buried in a field of the mineral by Captain America and the Black Panther, the latter whose father, King T'Chalka, was murdered by Kleiser. In the final conflict, Panther, and Cap sealed Kleiser in Wakanda's vibranium deposits.

Hierarchy problem

Supersymmetry removes the power-law divergences of the radiative corrections to the Higgs mass and solves the hierarchy problem as long as the supersymmetric particles are light enough to satisfy the BarbieriGiudice criterion.

History of the Egyptian parliament

The Pharaoh, on top of the state hierarchy, appointed high-ranking government officials.

Jaysh al-Sha'bi

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, "the National Defense Army gathers together existing Popular Committees of pro-regime civilian fighters under a new, better-trained and armed hierarchy".

Jean de Dieu-Raymond de Cucé de Boisgelin

He rose rapidly through the hierarchy of the church, first made Vicar-General of Pontoise; then in 1765 he was created Bishop of Lavaur; and on 4 November 1770 he was appointed Archbishop of Aix in Provence.

Jean-Baptiste Riché

Pierrot attempted to reform the Haïtian government, causing the Boyerist hierarchy of Haïti to sponsor a rebellion in the provinces of Port-au-Prince and Artibonite in 1846.

Josefa Vosanibola

The SDL campaign director, Jale Baba, intervened to ensure that Vosanibola was renominated, over the objections of the local party hierarchy, Fiji Village reported on 12 April.

Joseph Edward Kurtz

The Rev. Thomas J. Reese, a frequent critic of the church hierarchy, indicates that he fits the mold of a “smiling conservative” in the vein of New York’s Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, who is “very gracious but still holds the same positions” as a more pugnacious cleric like Philadelphia's Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, who has not hesitated to call out Catholic politicians who dissent from church teachings on abortion.

Juan Dalmau Ramírez

Since then, Dalmau-Ramírez has quickly risen in the Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP)’s hierarchy, serving as a Legislative Adviser for Senator Manuel Rodríguez Orellana and Fernando Martín, before being elected to serve as Party Commissioner in Municipality Affairs and PIP Secretary General.

JWP Openweight Championship

The championship, which is situated at the top of JWP's championship hierarchy, was introduced on December 1, 1992, when Dynamite Kansai defeated Cutie Suzuki in a tournament final to become the inaugural champion, making it the oldest active title in all of joshi puroresu.

Kamo no Chōmei

In 1160, his father was promoted to junior fourth rank, lower grade, which ultimately led the seven-year old Chōmei to being promoted to fifth rank, junior grade; these were high positions within the Kamo Shrine hierarchy.

Kevin Robert Elz

Usenet hierarchy from its inception in the 1980s until the mid-1990s.

Khieu Samphan

The historian Ben Kiernan stated that Samphan's protestations (such as the fact that he regarded the collectivisation of agriculture as a "surprise", and his expressions of sympathy for his "friend" Hu Nim, a fellow member of the CPK hierarchy tortured and killed at Tuol Sleng) betrayed the fundamental "moral cowardice" of a man mesmerised by power but lacking any nerve.

Leonard Read

Read gradually moved up the hierarchy of the United States Chamber of Commerce, finally becoming general manager of the Los Angeles branch, America's largest, in 1939.


In the United States Supreme Court decision Griswold v. Connecticut, Justice William O. Douglas argued that liberties relating to personal relationships, such as marriage, have a unique primacy of place in the hierarchy of freedoms.

Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy

Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy ("LEACH") is a TDMA-based MAC protocol which is integrated with clustering and a simple routing protocol in wireless sensor networks (WSNs).

Memory-prediction framework

It is proposed that the motor areas of the cortex consist of a behavioural hierarchy similar to the sensory hierarchy, with the lowest levels consisting of explicit motor commands to musculature and the highest levels corresponding to abstract prescriptions (e.g. 'resize the browser').

Moral hierarchy

Critics charge that the notion of a moral hierarchy is untenable in cases spanning multiple cultures, because moral codes are not equal but different, and therefore there is no way of showing that certain codes are superior to others.

Object-oriented Abstract Type Hierarchy

Object-oriented Abstract Type Hierarchy (OATH) is a class library for C++ from Texas Instruments.

Paigah Palace

In the hierarchy of nobles of Hyderabad, the Paigah family ranked immediately next to the ruling family of Nizams.

Personal knowledge base

Unlike the other tools, in Compendium the composite hierarchy does not form a DAG, but rather an arbitrary graph: view A can appear on view B, and B can in turn appear on A. The user's intuitive notion of "inside" must be adapted somewhat in this case.

Religion in Portugal

The rest of the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy, led by Cardinal Manuel Gonçalves Cerejeira, a great friend and supporter of Salazar, remained silent on the issue.

Richard Roskell

The principal consecrator was Nicholas Wiseman, who would become the first Cardinal Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Westminster in 1850 when the Roman Catholic hierarchy was re-established in England and Wales.

Robert Zollitsch

German Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger condemned the "wall of silence" within the Catholic hierarchy, accusing the church of hiding behind a 2001 Vatican directive that called for cases of abuse to be investigated internally before going to state authorities.

Rohan Taylor

In December 2005, he was officially rebuked by the hierarchy of Swimming Australia for organizing a training camp for his swimmers with the Royal Australian Navy in which mock military executions were held.

Saint Ermengol

In 1017, he consecrated Borrell as bishop of Roda and received recognition by that bishop of his superiority in the local hierarchy.

Scratchpad memory

Ageia's PhysX chip utilizes scratchpad RAM in a manner similar to the Cell; its theory states that a cache hierarchy is of less use than software managed physics and collision calculations.


The visual hierarchy determined with object would receive the message first - the Stage was Z-ordered and objects closer to the front got the messages first.

Suffragette Sessions

In 1998, Amy Ray and Emily Saliers of the Indigo Girls initiated the Suffragette Sessions Tour, a loose amalgamation of female artists that Ray described as "a socialist experiment in rock and roll--no hierarchy, no boundaries."


Living in a state rich in gold, Tiradentes used the knowledge he acquired about minerals to enter the public service (he achieved the ranks of alferes, low in the hierarchy of the epoch), and he was sent to missions in cities along the road between Vila Rica (the capital of Minas Gerais) and Rio de Janeiro; this road was the "open vein" used to export most of the gold to Portugal.

Unified Power Format

The standard describes extensions to the Tool Command Language (Tcl): commands and arguments for anotating a design hierarchy which has been read into a tool.

Usenet II

Usenet II was a proposed alternative to the classic Usenet hierarchy, started in 1998.

Verlon Walker

In 1961, he was appointed to the Cubs' College of Coaches, a rotating team of instructors and "head coaches" created as an experimental alternative to the traditional baseball hierarchy of a manager and a coaching staff.

Zhao Erfeng

The ruler, who was again given civil power at the head of their hierarchy, pardoned all the Tibetans who had given the oath to Colonel Younghusband.

see also