In 2009, he debuted a new film called Highwater during the 100th anniversary of the Santa Monica Pier; the film follows life on the North Shore and the surfers who compete in the Vans Triple Crown of Surfing.
When Dr. Highwater (Billy Drago) goes to visit Simon he escapes by cutting through the bars of his cell.
Highwater Books was a small but influential independent comic book publisher based in Somerville, Massachusetts, noted for its arty editorial direction and production values under publisher Tom Devlin.
Project Highwater was an experiment carried out as part of two of the test flights of NASA's Saturn I launch vehicle (using battleship upper stages), successfully launched into a sub-orbital trajectory from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Hell or Highwater featured collaborations with John Shanks (Melissa Etheridge band) and Scott F. Crago (The Eagles) and was produced by Mark McKenna.