
unusual facts about History of education in the United States: Bibliography

History of education in the United States

for a detailed bibliography see History of education in the United States: Bibliography

History of education in the United States

This method was also known as "mutual instruction" or the "Bell-Lancaster method" after the British educators Dr Andrew Bell and Joseph Lancaster who both independently developed it about 1798.

the rival American Federation of Teachers (AFT), was based in large cities and formed alliances with the labor unions there.

Kresge College

Distinguished early faculty members included Gregory Bateson, former husband of Margaret Mead and author of Steps to an Ecology of Mind; Phil Slater, author of The Pursuit of Loneliness; John Grinder, co-founder of Neuro-linguistic programming and co-author of The Structure of Magic; and William Everson, one of the Beat poets.

see also