
unusual facts about Huai River

Caoyun system

Later, in 486 CE, King Fuchai of Wu linked the Yangtze and Huai Rivers by excavating the Han Ravine (邗沟) so that water flowed from the Yangtze through the Lakes Fanliang (樊梁湖), Bozhi (博芝湖) and Sheyang (射阳湖) into the Wei at Huai'an.

Empress Yuchi Chifan

As the army withdrew from the borders after having captured the territory between the Yangtze River and the Huai River in winter 579, Yuwen Liang made the plan to ambush the commander of the entire operation, Wei Xiaokuan, and then seize the entire army and support an uncle of Emperor Xuan to be emperor.

Liu An

He was a grandson of the founding Han Dynasty (漢朝) emperor Liu Bang (劉邦), and he became the King of Huainan (literally "south of the Huai River"), at the age of 16 after his father, Liu Chang (劉長), died.

Varieties of Chinese

Iwata argues that innovations have been transmitted from the north across the Huai River to the Lower Yangtze Mandarin area and from there southeast to the Wu area and westwards along the Yangtze River valley and thence to southwestern areas, leaving the hills of the southeast largely untouched.

see also

Jiang Gan

He was good-looking and was known for being an excellent debater in the Jiangnan and Huai River regions.