
unusual facts about Human Action

Guillermo Pineda

Taught 75 classes to 732 college and high school students in Guatemala City on the books Not a Zero Sum Game by Manuel Ayau, Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt, Common * Sense Economics by Charles Murray, Human Action by Ludwig von Mises, The Law by Frederic Bastiat, and dozens more classical fiction books.

see also


Voltaire aimed to be the French Virgil, outdoing the master by preserving Aristotelian unity of place—a property of classical tragedy rather than epic—by keeping the human action confined between Paris and Ivry.

Man and Nature

Man and nature; or, Physical geography as modified by human action is a book written by George Perkins Marsh in 1864.

Mapa de Cuauhtinchan No. 2

Mapmaking is a cultural expression evidenced in different forms in any human community over time and space: From fourth century BC (400 BC) China to nineteenth century Europe, maps have been a medium that materialized or translated man's relationship to the world around it; as Harley puts it “There are few aspects of human action and thought that have not been mapped at one time or another” (Harley, 1991).

Spontaneous order

In 1767, the sociologist and historian Adam Ferguson described the phenomenon of spontaneous order in society as the "result of human action, but not the execution of any human design".