Continuous inspection (carcass-by-carcass inspection) is the USDA’s meat and poultry inspection system, called "continuous" because no animal destined for human food may be slaughtered or dressed unless an inspector is continuously present.
European Court of Human Rights | Human Rights Watch | human | Human sexuality | United States Department of Health and Human Services | Human swimming | Human | The Human League | European Convention on Human Rights | Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development | Human Genome Project | Human migration | Human leukocyte antigen | Human skull | Universal Declaration of Human Rights | human trafficking | Human Rights Campaign | Human Torch | Human resources | human eye | Nazi human experimentation | Human settlement | Human head | Human Target | Human Development Index | Inter-American Court of Human Rights | Human Resources | The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential | Race (classification of human beings) | Of Human Bondage |
It is most common in the Los Lagos area in Chile and is harvested for human consumption, mainly in the towns of Calbuco, Carelmapu and Puerto Montt.
Within a week of going on sale, the ice cream was seized by officers of Westminster Council to test whether it was suitable for human consumption.
Brazil has also started producing some flor de sal in the traditional salt-producing area of Mossoró, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, and iodized, as mandated by Brazilian law for all salt intended for direct human consumption.