
unusual facts about Ian Hart

Blind Flight

Blind Flight is a 2003 British film directed by John Furse, starring Ian Hart and Linus Roache.

Dad's Dead

Ian Hart plays the narrator, an urban storyteller who relives his youth in 1970s and 80s Liverpool.

Frogs for Snakes

Out of work actress Eva (Hershey), pays her way by working as a waitress at a diner in Manhattan's Lower East Side owned by Quint (Hart).

Hard Boiled Sweets

The cast includes two actors (Paul Freeman and Ian Hart) that had appeared in Hughes' earlier short film A Girl and a Gun from which this, his first feature, was developed.

Jack McMullen

McMullen starred alongside Ian Hart and Dervla Kirwan, playing the part of Daniel, who is a cross-dresser.

see also