Baton Rouge, Louisiana | Baton Rouge | Moulin Rouge | Khmer Rouge | Moulin Rouge! | Glossy Ibis | Straw-necked Ibis | Agricultural Society of Baton Rouge | Windows 8 editions | Rouge | Editions Mego | Australian White Ibis | White Ibis | Rouge River | Réunion Ibis | Northern Bald Ibis | Ibis | ibis | Hotel Ibis | East Baton Rouge Parish | Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge | River Rouge | Les Éditions de Minuit | Laval Rouge et Or | Ibis Budget | Hart-Rouge | Éditions Robert Laffont | Editions of Dungeons & Dragons | Éditions Larousse | Éditions Gallimard |
1948 : La Caldeira (novel), Fasquelle (Paris) - republished in 2002 by Ibis Rouge Éditions