In 2008, Aberfoyle Park High School entered into a partnership with defense contractor, Raytheon Australia to provide $450,000 funding over the next 3 years for purchase of new computers for IGNITE, Science and Maths students at the school.
After squeezing information out of Yakuza businessman Nakai (Hiro Kanagawa) and Mafia informant Mike (Brad Loree), the two detectives discover that the Black Lotus plans to ignite a mob war between the Yakuza and the Mafia and adopt their businesses.
A UCS raid on an ED base is enough to ignite the rivalry into full-scale war as the ED fails in its bid to control Mexico and the UCS counterattacks Scandinavia, Great Britain, France, and the Iberian Peninsula.
The year 1978 was particularly devastating for film archives when both the United States National Archives and Records Administration and George Eastman House had their nitrate film vaults auto-ignite.
As the pressure within a cylinder increases, the temperature rises; and if there is only a single plug, the unburnt fuel away from the original flame front can self-ignite, producing a separate unsynchronized flame front.
The drama of the rumored love affair between the child king's widowed mother, Anne of Austria, and her prime minister, Cardinal Mazarin, unfolds as intrigue and political discord ignite the Fronde.
When a group of superheroes known as the New Warriors accidentally blow up a town causing the general public to turn on superheroes and eventually ignite a superhero civil war.
Then it would ignite its single Walter HWK 109-509 rocket engine and dive towards the enemy bomber fleet at a 45 degree angle.