Twin Peaks | Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me | Mountain peaks of Hawaii | The Lions (Peaks) | Peaks of Otter | Moogerah Peaks National Park | Golden Ears (peaks) | Georgian Peaks Club | Twin Peaks Tunnel | Sun Peaks Resort | Spanish Peaks | Peaks Island, Maine | Pandora Peaks | One of the surveyor's marks Colvin left on dozens of peaks in the Adirondacks, this one on Big Slide Mountain | Detail of the multi-level terracing of the ''Hortus Palatinus'', which required the 'toppling the peaks of the mountains' by Salomon de Caus | Colorado's peaks over 14,000 foot elevation |
It is a very beautiful city surrounded by the volcanos Atacazo, Corazon, RumiƱahui, Illinizas Peaks, Viudita Hill, Pasochoa, and Sincholagua, and owns part of the Cotopaxi volcano, a great active volcano which measures 5,897 m (19,347 ft) in altitude.