
2 unusual facts about Imperial Academy

The Palace of Eternal Life

He graduated from the Imperial Academy in 1668 and then returned home the following year.

His chief play contains political overtones that were interpreted as disloyal to the Manchu regime, with the result that he was expelled from the Imperial Academy and a large number of his associates were dismissed from their government posts.

Isidore Konti

He began formal art studies at the age of 16 when he entered the Imperial Academy in Vienna where he studied under Edmund von Hellmer.

see also

Josep Maria Sert

Her father, Cyprian Godebski (1835–1909), was a renowned Polish sculptor and professor at the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg from 1870.

Lysurus mokusin

The species was first described by the Catholic Priest and missionary Pierre-Martial Cibot in the publication Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae (New memoirs of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg) (1775), where he reported finding it near Peking (now Beijing).

University of Helsinki Botanical Garden

In 1829, the walking area was pared back once the Imperial Academy of Turku Botanical Garden moved next to it after the Great Fire hit Turku and the Imperial Academy relocated to Helsinki.