
3 unusual facts about Imperial Airship Scheme

All-Red Route

In the 1880s the term "All-Red Route" was expanded to include the telegraph network (see All Red Line) that connected various parts of the Empire, and by the 1920s it was also being used in reference to proposed air routes, initially airship and then flying boat, between Great Britain and the rest of the Empire, see Imperial Airship Scheme.

Christopher Bullock

In 1929, he participated in early test flights of the Government funded airship, R101, part of the Imperial Airship Scheme.

Vickers Limited

A subsidiary called the Airship Guarantee Company Limited was formed under Sir Dennis Burney from 29 November 1923 (lasting until 30 November 1935) specifically to participate in the building of a massive six-engined experimental airship, the R100 in competition with the government built R101 as part of the Imperial Airship Scheme.

see also