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Many popular favorites from Our Lady Peace, such as "One Man Army", "In Repair" and "Life", do not appear on the album.
"In Repair" and "Life" appear with narration from Ray Kurzweil's book The Age of Spiritual Machines, which inspired the album Spiritual Machines, on which the two song were featured.
In his Passages from the English Notebooks of 1876, Nathaniel Hawthorne commented that the church "has not exactly a venerable aspect, being too good in repair, and much restored in various parts".
The term ‘protective autoimmunity’ was coined by Prof. Michal Schwartz of the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), whose pioneering studies were the first to demonstrate that autoimmune T lymphocytes can have a beneficial role in repair, following an injury to the central nervous system (CNS).
He specializes in repair of cleft palate, rhinoplasty, ear reconstruction, jaw reconstruction, facial asymmetry correction, dental implantology, maxillofacial surgery and Craniofacial surgery.