
4 unusual facts about Indian Military Academy

Chhatra Man Singh Gurung

Gurung joined the then Royal Nepalese Army in 1971, and studied at the Indian Military Academy before receiving his commission.

Jaipur School

The founder was Major N.K. Sharma (retired), alumnus of India's elite military school Rashtriya Indian Military College and India's foremost military colleges, National Defence Academy and Indian Military Academy.

Satyawant Mallana Srinagesh

In December 1939, he was posted as an Instructor at the Indian Military Academy, Dehra Dun.

Vijaya Wimalaratne

He commenced his career as an Officer in the Army on 1 August 1963 on completion of training at the Indian Military Academy, there he was appointed Battalion Cadet Adjutant in his final term .

General Khodaidad

Khodaidad graduated from the NDA successfully and afterwards joined the Indian Military Academy (IMA), located in Dehradun, where he studied until 1977.

M. Z. Kiani

A keen Hockey player in his youth, Kiani joined the British Indian Army in 1931 at the Indian Military Academy at Dehra Dun, sitting for the entrance exam in preference over a trial for the Olympic Hockey trials at Calcutta.

see also

Wahid Baksh Sial Rabbani

He completed his B.A. and then joined the Bahwalpur State Forces and qualified at the Indian Military Academy Dehra Dun (India) in 1933.