Information Technology | United States Information Agency | Information technology | National Center for Biotechnology Information | information technology | Program and System Information Protocol | Geographic information system | information | IPTC Information Interchange Model | World Summit on the Information Society | Right to Information Act | National Telecommunications and Information Administration | Central Office of Information | public information film | intelligence (information gathering) | Information technology consulting | Freedom of information in the United Kingdom | Vital Information | Jane's Information Group | Information Commissioner's Office | Internet Information Services | information theory | Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act | Chief Information Officer | Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals | XML Information Set | Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System | United States Office of War Information | Office of Scientific and Technical Information | Office of Public Sector Information |
Thomas Davenport argues that business intelligence should be divided into querying, reporting, OLAP, an "alerts" tool, and business analytics.
Garrett completed his undergrad in Electrical Engineering and Masters in Software Engineering at the University of Calgary where he researched collaborative systems, evolutionary algorithms and information retrieval.
Current projects include healthcare, cloud computing, formal and simulation-based verification technologies, programming environments, chip design, storage systems, information retrieval, collaboration, and much more.
Early work on interactive information retrieval, such as Juergen Koenemann and Nicholas J. Belkin’s 1996 study of different levels of interaction for automatic query reformulation, leverage the standard IR measures of precision and recall but apply them to the results of multiple iterations of user interaction, rather than to a single query response.
Lucene Geographic and Temporal (LGTE) is an information retrieval tool developed at Technical University of Lisbon which can be used as a search engine or as evaluation system for information retrieval techniques for research purposes.
J. "Keith" van Rijsbergen (Cornelis Joost van Rijsbergen) (born 1943) is a professor of computer science and the leader of the Glasgow Information Retrieval Group based at the University of Glasgow.
Contextual Query Language (or common query language), a formal language for information retrieval.
2000 - Stephen E. Robertson, City University London : "On theoretical argument in information retrieval."
For ... "Thirty years of significant, sustained and continuing contributions to research in information retrieval. Of special importance are the theoretical and empirical contributions to the development, refinement, and evaluation of probabilistic models of information retrieval."
At the same time, Hans Peter Luhn (working with IBM) distributed his paper titled "Bibliography and index: Literature on information retrieval and machine translation", which contained "titles indexed by Key Words-in-Context system", or KWIC.
Members of IWB have contributed and interested on different aspects and are doing researchs in various fields of e-Commerce, e-business, u-Business, BPM, Business Intelligences, Knowledge management, Information Retrieval, Planning and Scheduling and Decision Support System.
The International Society for Music Information Retrieval or International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR)
The Lemur Project is a collaboration between the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
After an Arthur D. Little study indicated that the information retrieval product had a promising future, Mead Data Central launched it as the LEXIS legal research system in 1973.
Microsoft Live Labs, an applied research group that focuses on internet products and services, including natural language processing, machine learning, information retrieval, data mining, computational linguistics, and distributed computing
Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval, a Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) concerned about information retrieval