
unusual facts about Ingenious


Alexis Clairaut

He obtained an ingenious approximate solution of the problem of the three bodies; in 1750 he gained the prize of the St Petersburg Academy for his essay Théorie de la lune; the team made up of Clairaut, Jérome Lalande and Nicole Reine Lepaute successfully computed the date of the 1759 return of Halley's comet.

Culture code

The concept of "cultural code" is considered in the book of Clotaire Rapaille ″The Culture Code: An Ingenious Way to Understand Why People Around the World Live and Buy as They Do″.

David Macaulay

Motel of the Mysteries, written in 1979 following the 1976–1979 exhibition of the Tutankhamun relics in the USA, concerns the discovery by future archaeologists of an American motel and the archaeologists' ingenious interpretation of the motel and its contents as a funerary and temple complex.

Die Tödliche Doris

Die Tödliche Doris was part of the Geniale Dilettanten (Ingenious Dilettantes) movement, a merger of the New Wave and post-punk scene, which combined influences like Frieder Butzmann, Einstürzende Neubauten and Malaria!.

Gerald Blanchard

On 22 March 2010, Wired Magazine posted an article online from their April 2010 issue called "Art of the Steal: On the Trail of the World's Most Ingenious Thief", written by Joshuah Bearman.

Gödel numbering for sequences

By an ingenious use of Chinese remainder theorem, we can define constructively such a recursive function \beta (using simple number-theoretical functions, all of which can be defined in a total recursive way) fulfilling the "specifications" given above.

Great fire of Newcastle and Gateshead

Slightly upstream was Robert Stephenson's new High Level Bridge, completed five years previously in 1849, an ingenious double-decker design allowing railway traffic on the upper deck and road traffic on the lower.

Inflatable boat

The Admiralty was sceptical about potential uses for Halkett's designs; on 8 May 1845 Lord Herbert, First Secretary to the Admiralty wrote to Halkett that "My Lords are of an opinion that your invention is extremely clever and ingenious, and that it might be useful in Exploring and Surveying Expeditions, but they do not consider that it would be made applicable for general purposes in the Naval Service".

Ingenious Minds

Ingenious Minds is a documentary television anthology series that debuted in the United States in 2010 about savants.

Jim Frazier

He was winner of a Technical Oscar in 1997 for his invention of the Frazier lens System, which has revolutionised the international film industry, an ingenious lens that provides an extended depth of field and an ability to have both the foreground and background in focus.

Lionhead Studios

Lionhead was a privately held company until October 2004 (shortly before the suspension of BC) when a consortium of investors, including Ingenious Ventures, IDG Ventures Europe, and technology firm Add Partners, made a significant investment into the developer.

Mickey Munday

After careful consideration and extensive planning, Munday purchased his first plane, a 680 Aero Commander, and began transporting marijuana from South America to the U.S., devising ingenious methods of avoiding unwanted attention from law enforcement along the way.

North German Confederation

The Austro-Prussian War of 1866 demonstrated the military superiority of Prussia, led by its ingenious and energetic minister-president Otto von Bismarck.

On High

The song "To Please" was featured in the film Ingenious from 2009, and the song "Highway" was featured in Episode 9 of the television series Hard Rock Medical in 2013.

Randolph Caldecott

For Maurice Sendak "Caldecott's work heralds the beginning of the modern picture book. He devised an ingenious juxtaposition of picture and word, a counterpoint that never happened before. Words are left out—but the picture says it. Pictures are left out—but the word says it."


This used an intermediate step of creating sorbose using an ingenious bacterial fermentation method discovered by a French researcher, Gabriel Bertrand.

Robert Smythson

Smythson's style was more than a fusion of influences; although Renaissance, especially Sebastiano Serlio, Flemish and English Gothic notes can be seen in his work, he produced some ingenious adaptations, resulting in classically detailed, innovative domestic buildings.

Rockingham Pottery

In these wares, it was most famous for producing an ingenious style of pot that is filled from a hole in the bottom via a vacuum lock, known as a Cadogan.

Stuart William Seeley

Seeley received the 1948 IEEE Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Award "for his development of ingenious circuits related to frequency modulation", and the 1960 Magellanic Premium from the American Philosophical Society for Shoran.

Vernon Harrison

In 1984, Harrison became interested in the early SPR 'Hodgson Report' in which Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was stigmatised as one of the most gifted, ingenious and interesting 'impostors' in history.

William Playfair

Ian Spence and Howard Wainer in 2001 describe Playfair as "engineer, political economist and scoundrel" while "Eminent Scotsmen" calls him an "ingenious mechanic and miscellaneous writer."

William Wilkie

In 1757 Wilkie published ‘The Epigoniad,’ in nine books, based on the fourth book of the ‘Iliad,’ and written in heroic couplets in the manner of Alexander Pope's ‘Homer.’ To a second edition in 1759 he appended an ingenious apologetic ‘Dream in the manner of Spenser.’ On the appearance of this edition Hume warmly praised ‘The Epigoniad’ in a letter to the Critical Review, complaining that the journal had unduly depreciated the poem when first published.

see also