
unusual facts about Inn river

Alpine route

The first Roman road connecting Italy with today's Germany was the Via Claudia Augusta, completed in 46–47 AD, from Verona to the Reschen Pass, the Inn valley and the Fern Pass to Augusta Vindelicorum, today Augsburg.

Brandenberger Ache

The Brandenberger Ache River is a 22 km long left tributary of the Inn River in the district Kufstein and flows from North to South to the town of Rattenberg where it merges with the Inn River.

Lanser Bach

The Lanserbach - also called Mühlbach - flows from Lans alongside the Paschberg to Aldrans and merges with the Inn river after 17 km at the eastern edge of Innsbruck.

Oberösterreichische Rundschau

Moreover, Braunauer Rundschau covers adjacent areas such as the Salzburger Flachgau, as well as the Bavarian communities at the Inn and Salzach.

see also